Urban Design Introductory Workshops for Provincial Council Officials in Sri Lanka


Sri Lanka Institute of Local Governance (SLILG) has extended the invitation for collaborations in professional services/experiences in the domain of urban planning and development with ‘UoM Urban Lab’ Centre for Cities, University of Moratuwa. A series of 2-day Urban Design IntroductoryWorkshopshas been conducted for all island provincial council administration officials in Sri Lanka and your…

7th International Conference on Cities, People and Places (ICCPP-2019)


The 7th International Conference on Cities, People and Places (ICCPP-2019), ‘Caring and Managing Cities’: Transforming futures, was held from November 14th to 16th, 2019, at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The ‘UOM Lab- Centre for Cities’ and the Department of Architecture of the University of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka in collaboration…

UOM Urban Lab- Centre for Cities


The ‘UOM Urban Lab – Center for Cities’ founded in 2017, which is a multidisciplinary research arm anchored by the researchers from different expertise fields in the University of Moratuwa. It draws together the research and outreach energies of scholars of Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, Conservation, Environment Management, Transportation, Construction and Facility Management, Housing, Landscape,…